以太坊 / 比特幣


Wild one this but previous completions means it may repeat, but im not a fan of this, because it happened before philsophy. And ratios are more of a gamble than USDT pairs, so beware. They do fluctuate more, but eth looks strong and no reason to think ratio doesnt swoop again.
1.618 theory round 4 i guess.
.04 is a wider 23.6% upward retracement from previous highs, so eth can properly go to .08 from there. If .04 breaks on an upsurge convincingly, then sky is the limit. Possible that eth may gain that with a declining BTC vas $ and just staying put, so its certainly not one to bet on now for $ gains, but one to watch for the TA perverts.

Marked as neutral because its down before up, but conclusion is obviously bullish from here.
dang lol. Oh well. That is that one gone for a burton.

