

Geron CorporationNASDAQ


I took a position last Thursday, had a 13% profit by Friday, then the stock fell apart. Love to hear comments on what is going on. I had my first target set to sell at 5.17. Thank you
Don't sell just yet. GERN has a product in the works that should boost their value by mid-Fall. Your order just might get filled but in a few months.
@JunebugPresents, Thank you
@DonnaSko, You're welcome. Now did you keep your sell at 5.17 or did you up it? If you didn't, I'm guessing you filled your order... I did, and now I'm waiting for an opportunity to get back in.

From the news posted on a message board, GERON only has this one therapy.

My old stock broker always told me, I NEVER FORGOT IT, "NEVER BUY A ONE PRODUCT COMPANY"

If that one product fails, the company has nothing else.

As with GERON, from what I read very quickly, I see no reason to speculate with GERON unless you have money to gamble away.

I see playing GERON like rolling the dice at the casino...Although I win jackpots playing the slots, nothing is a given with anything.

If you are willing to take a loss, have no worries. If you have high hopes on making a profit with this stock and do not care about the risk associated with possibly losing everything, then have no worries.

Me..? I would sell it with a small profit or loss and not look back.

Take a REALLY GOOD look at CHK...The company has had 5 qtrs of great earning and revenue. The stock is dirt cheap and the company holds Billions of Dollars in assets if they need to raise fast cash.

Wall Street is worried about the debt level..???

It's a smoke screen while big investors load up on the stock price at these levels.

My guess, the recent Oil pull back will be short lived. I see Oil hitting $80 again and possibly $100 to $150 going into 2020

Oil demand is rising and nothing any country can do will fix it.

As population increases around the World, so will Oil and Gas consumption.

Best of luck with all your trades!
@stockkid, Thank you
@DonnaSko, I see the stock dropped a few points from your original post. Are you still holding? Have a wonderful weekend and best of luck with your trades!
Trading - ups/downs has NOTHING TO DO WITH CHARTS..

IT ALL HINGES ON J&J from the looks of the news behind the scenes

Do not make a decision because of my post..

Do your homework!
@stockkid, I agree. I'm a bit worried about the J&J judgement.
FYI Everyone...from another message board posting...



Geron investors will be scrambling on July 17, 2018, to check out JNJ's earnings materials.

If imetelstat continues to be shown as one of its pending lead cancer therapies, investors will be much relieved.

If JNJ drops the reference to imetelstat, some investors will be seriously distressed; I urge caution.

Johnson and Johnson's (JNJ) subsidiary, Janssen, is on the verge of making a decision of critical moment to its collaboration partner Geron (GERN). The two companies are pursuing a collaboration agreement focused on the development of cancer therapy imetelstat.

Geron has told investors that Johnson and Johnson is facing a critical crossroads in the agreement whereby it must decide by end of Q3, 2018, whether or not to continue its participation in the agreement. Insofar as Geron lacks a pipeline having only a pipedot, to coin a word for a company with but a single therapy in clinical trials, this is a fraught period for Geron investors.

If Johnson and Johnson walks, Geron investments will likely face severe pressure. We are currently in a bit of a data desert as we wait for a definitive decision.

Johnson and Johnson's upcoming earnings CC will provide a data oasis.
@stockkid, Great analysis. Thanks