
Monero analysis possible 2x!

Monero is an old cryptocurrency that came out in similar time to old cryptocurrencies. It has had many legal problems since its sector is anonymity, but BTC started similar to Monero. Its supply is quite small, so it leaves room for a lot of scalability. There are marches and protests to seek the release of legal charges to cryptocurrencies made by people who believe in the project both in the United States and the UK.

I think monero could have good growth in the long term. As long as you have no more legal charges to face.

Exchange XMRBTC 1d Binance
Vol: 101,861| 102,249| 93,503
ATR: 0.00027269

✅OBV: 327.3 K| 225.4 K| 123.1 K
✅RSI: 71.45| 66.20| 64.77
✅MFI: 85.88| 81.27| 76.08
⚪️CCI: 128.05| 116.01| 97.44
⚪️WR%: -13.61| -51.72| -41.26
✅ADX: 39.60| 37.54| 35.32

✅MOM: Bullish Momentum
✅SMA: Price is Above SMA Bullish
✅MACD: Bullish
✅PSAR: Bullish

Support And Resistance
S: 0.00396300
S: 0.00416100
S: 0.00437000
S: 0.00460000
R: 0.00490400

Volatility is moderately low

⚪️RSI:No divergences
⚪️MFI:No divergence
⚪️FVE: No divergence
⚪️Volume: No Trend or volume confirms trend

