
MONERO: $161 | Rule #1  

Monero / U. S. DollarKraken


a heads up for when to hop on and hop off
the crypto cyclical bull bear flat markets

we have the pre halving PUMP
the never ending dump
and the post halving insatiable madness

12 to 24 day lead time forward price action
meaning when BTC begins to PUMP
you get validation 12 to 24 days later
you miss out 15% to 35%
in the alts you will miss out 150% to 300%

same when BTC peaks
you get confirmation 12 to 24 days after the fact
that game over for reset back to when the banker started the cycle

good lucks and remember Rule #1

"we dont talk about MONERO"
keep safe fellas


no sudden flows... heavy hitters rotation of funds