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Version: v24

Custom Studies Examples

Requesting Data for Another Ticker

custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Equity',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
id: 'Equity@tv-basicstudies-1',
description: 'Equity',
shortDescription: 'Equity',
is_price_study: true,
isCustomIndicator: true,
format: {
type: 'price',
// Precision is set to one digit, e.g. 777.7
precision: 1,

plots: [{id: 'plot_0', type: 'line'}],
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
linestyle: 0,
visible: true,

// Make the line thinner
linewidth: 1,

// Plot type is Line
plottype: 2,

// Show price line
trackPrice: true,

// Set the plotted line color to dark red
color: '#880000'

inputs: {}
styles: {
plot_0: {
// Output name will be displayed in the Style window
title: 'Equity value',
histogramBase: 0,
inputs: [],

constructor: function() {
this.init = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;

const symbol = '#EQUITY'; // #EQUITY should be replaced with the symbol you want to resolve
this._context.new_sym(symbol, PineJS.Std.period(this._context));

this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;
// Select the main symbol
const mainSymbolTime = this._context.new_var(this._context.symbol.time);

// Select the secondary symbol
const secondarySymbolTime = this._context.new_var(this._context.symbol.time);

// Align the times of the secondary symbol to the main symbol
const secondarySymbolClose = this._context.new_var(PineJS.Std.close(this._context));
const alignedClose = secondarySymbolClose.adopt(secondarySymbolTime, mainSymbolTime, 1);

// Select the main symbol again

return [alignedClose];

Coloring Bars


custom_indicators_getter: function (PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Bar Colorer Demo',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,

id: "BarColoring@tv-basicstudies-1",
name: "BarColoring",
description: "Bar Colorer Demo",
shortDescription: "Bar Coloring",

isCustomIndicator: true,
is_price_study: true,

format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 4,

defaults: {
palettes: {
palette_0: {
// palette colors
// change it to the default colors that you prefer,
// but note that the user can change them in the Style tab
// of indicator properties
colors: [
{ color: '#FFFF00' },
{ color: '#0000FF' }
inputs: [],
plots: [{
id: 'plot_0',

// plot type should be set to 'bar_colorer'
type: 'bar_colorer',

// this is the name of the palette that is defined
// in 'palettes' and 'defaults.palettes' sections
palette: 'palette_0'
palettes: {
palette_0: {
colors: [
{ name: 'Color 0' },
{ name: 'Color 1' }

// the mapping between the values that
// are returned by the script and palette colors
valToIndex: {
100: 0,
200: 1
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, input) {
this._context = context;
this._input = input;

var valueForColor0 = 100;
var valueForColor1 = 200;

// perform your calculations here and return one of the constants
// that is specified as a key in 'valToIndex' mapping
var result =
Math.random() * 100 % 2 > 1 ? // we randomly select one of the color values
valueForColor0 : valueForColor1;

return [result];

Custom Styles for Every Point


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
id: 'CustomStylesForEveryPoint@tv-basicstudies-1',
description: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
shortDescription: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
is_price_study: false,
isCustomIndicator: true,
plots: [
'id': 'plot_0',
'type': 'line',
'id': 'plot_1',
'type': 'colorer',
'target': 'plot_0',
'palette': 'paletteId1',
palettes: {
paletteId1: {
colors: {
0: {
name: 'First color',
1: {
name: 'Second color',
defaults: {
palettes: {
paletteId1: {
colors: {
0: {
color: 'red',
width: 1,
style: 0,
1: {
color: 'blue',
width: 3,
style: 1,
styles: {},
precision: 4,
inputs: {},
styles: {
plot_0: {
title: 'Equity value',
histogramBase: 0,
inputs: [],
format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 4,
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;

const value = Math.random() * 200;
const colorIndex = value > 100 ? 0 : 1;

return [value, colorIndex];

Complex Filled Areas


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Complex Filled Areas',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
id: 'ComplexFilledAreas@tv-basicstudies-1',
description: 'Complex Filled Areas',
shortDescription: 'Complex Filled Areas',
is_price_study: false,
isCustomIndicator: true,
plots: [
id: 'plot_0',
type: 'line',
id: 'plot_1',
type: 'line',
id: 'plot_2',
type: 'colorer',
target: 'filledAreaId1',
palette: 'paletteId1',

filledAreas: [
id: 'filledAreaId1',
objAId: 'plot_0',
objBId: 'plot_1',
title: 'Filled area between first and second plot',
type: 'plot_plot',
palette: 'paletteId1',

palettes: {
paletteId1: {
valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,
colors: {
0: {
name: 'First color',
1: {
name: 'Second color',
defaults: {
filledAreasStyle: {
filledAreaId1: {
color: 'yellow',
visible: true,
transparency: 40,

palettes: {
paletteId1: {
colors: {
0: {
color: 'red',
width: 1,
style: 0,
1: {
color: 'blue',
width: 3,
style: 1,

plot_0: {
linestyle: 0,
visible: true,
linewidth: 1,
plottype: 2,
trackPrice: true,
color: 'blue'
plot_1: {
linestyle: 1,
visible: true,
linewidth: 2,
plottype: 2,
trackPrice: true,
color: 'red'
precision: 4,
inputs: {}
title: 'First plot',
histogramBase: 0,
title: 'Second plot',
histogramBase: 0,
inputs: [],
format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 4,
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;

var value = Math.random() * 200 - 100;
var colorIndex = value > 0 ? 0 : 1;

return [0, value, colorIndex];

Advanced Shapes Use


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Mondays',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
color: '#FF5252',
textColor: '#2196F3',
plottype: 'shape_circle',
location: 'Bottom',
visible: true
inputs: {}
plots: [
id: 'plot_0',
type: 'shapes'
styles: {
plot_0: {
isHidden: false,
location: 'Bottom',
text: 'Monday',
title: 'Shapes'
description: 'Mondays',
shortDescription: 'Mondays',
is_price_study: true,
inputs: [],
id: 'Mondays@tv-basicstudies-1',
format: {
type: 'inherit',
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
// If we don't have a time, then we cannot determine the day of week
if (isNaN(context.symbol.time)) {
return [NaN]

// Check if the day of the week is Monday
const dayofweek = PineJS.Std.dayofweek(context);
const shouldBeShapeVisible = dayofweek === 2;
// 1 is plot value, it'll be displayed in legend of the indicator
// NaN means that there is no value for that plot and shape should be hidden for that bar
const plotValue = shouldBeShapeVisible ? 1 : NaN;
return [plotValue];

Advanced Colouring Candles


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,

id: 'advancedcolouringcandles@tv-basicstudies-1',
name: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
description: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
shortDescription: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',

isCustomIndicator: true,

is_price_study: false, // whether the study should appear on the main series pane.
linkedToSeries: true, // whether the study price scale should be the same as the main series one.

format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 2,

plots: [
id: 'plot_open',
type: 'ohlc_open',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_high',
type: 'ohlc_high',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_low',
type: 'ohlc_low',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_close',
type: 'ohlc_close',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_bar_color',
type: 'ohlc_colorer',
palette: 'palette_bar',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_wick_color',
type: 'wick_colorer',
palette: 'palette_wick',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_border_color',
type: 'border_colorer',
palette: 'palette_border',
target: 'plot_candle',

palettes: {
palette_bar: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,
palette_wick: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,
palette_border: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,

ohlcPlots: {
plot_candle: {
title: 'Candles',

defaults: {
ohlcPlots: {
plot_candle: {
borderColor: '#000000',
color: '#000000',
drawBorder: true,
drawWick: true,
plottype: 'ohlc_candles',
visible: true,
wickColor: '#000000',

palettes: {
palette_bar: {
colors: [
{ color: '#1948CC', width: 1, style: 0 },
{ color: '#F47D02', width: 1, style: 0 },
palette_wick: {
colors: [
{ color: '#0C3299', },
{ color: '#E65000', },
palette_border: {
colors: [
{ color: '#5B9CF6', },
{ color: '#FFB74D', },

precision: 2,
inputs: {},
styles: {},
inputs: [],
constructor: function () {
this.main = function (context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;


const o =;
const h = PineJS.Std.high(this._context);
const l = PineJS.Std.low(this._context);
const c = PineJS.Std.close(this._context);

// Color is determined randomly
const colour = Math.round(Math.random());
return [o, h, l, c, colour /*bar*/, colour /*wick*/, colour /*border*/];