Apple公司 - Crude oil decreases 0.17% on repressed loca

47 - Crude oil decreases 0.17% on repressed local signs

At the Multi Commodity Exchange,Crude oil for conveyance in April was trading lower by Rs 7, or 0.17 percent, to Rs 4,139 for every barrel, in a business turnover of 16,293 parts.

Unrefined petroleum costs plunged by Rs 7 to Rs 4,139 for every barrel in prospects exchange on Friday as examiners were enjoyed making theoretical positions, submitting positive general direction to household markets.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange, raw petroleum for conveyance in April was exchanging lower by Rs 7, or 0.17 percent, to Rs 4,139 for every barrel, in a business turnover of 16,293 parts.

Examiners stated, fixing of positions were made by merchants as oil costs slipped in local markets.

Be that as it may, the worldwide markets stayed perky as West Texas Intermediate increased 0.12 percent to USD 60.05, while worldwide benchmark Brent was up 0.07 percent to USD 67.91 per barrel.

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