
AAPL Possible N 4 a BearIsh ThUrsDay

AAPL failed in it's attempt to reclaim the upper $17/lower $18 region as support, in which resulted in a AAPL nose dive into $15 support region, which held. That may seem like good new as AAPL did regain most of its loses, however, closing under the tripple EMA w/ solid red penetration leave's it behind the eight ball. Especially when the Mnuchin and Pelosi stim meeting didn't have a positive outcome. Therefore, a short is forsure in play

Good speed in this possible bearish Thursday....
Trump's eagerness to get a stim bill done, has pushed the hand of Mnuchin to push forward with a counter offer that could pass today, which would have a much needed boost in the market. However, if Dem's go foward with Hero's Act and vote, we can see the bearish play still in play.

