AMC Entertainment

Is AMC out of gas?

AMC has been pumped by everyone lets face it. The insiders have been selling ,but you never see that in the hourly You Tube videos? What about the large gaps below don't think they will not be filled. I can see AMC trading at the $35 area next week. There is a small gap down from Friday that might be filled at open Tuesday. Other than that I don't see some huge enough 4th of July turn out. People want to be outdoors, at the beach, mud bogging 4 wheelers, and not to mention the past year of indoor avoiding the plague. This is just my idea and my trade I am not a financial advisor.
Will she fill the gap at $50 tomorrow are go to the mid 30's?
Can we see $57.00 are mid 30's tomorrow? Up day thanks to filling a gap and back testing a support also GME is back testing support. Lots of people getting paid tomorrow and it to will be waisted on junk stonks.
Consolidated Friday and could go either way. Pay day Friday means buying AMC on Monday will it be enough? I covered Friday and will wait to see what happens. If any one is interested I'm buying 1000 dollar calls on TSLA.
I will be moving on I'm not going short next week.

