
Im going long

My setup is crazy sorry stuck on forex and stock now apeusd

So i can see this in my head i know its not much but so far its on every market
5.0 billion gives us a rate of 15$
As soon everyone gets tax money amd payment amd paychecks everyone whould buy a pice of the pie yes it will hit 100$ but right now no i give it in my best guest
Sunday night monday morning. Will see a bull run to 19$ to 18$
Now if they do lets say rug pull is very very dumb why its a key that they use to show what is are cool little club

I understand with this new token its very larger market to know ones value but if you look long term is staying and its fun and games for some but understand its a building path to see how far someone or something can go its all up to the invester at that point
Im going full long on this and yeah
What you think?
Well so far its going the way i hope for lol

