10 Stocks Defying the Nifty_Gravity

After peaking out on jan 29th, NIFTY is tumbling down, puling down a whole range of stocks with its strong gravity.
But ther are a few who seems to disobey the Netows laws of gravity.
The 5 stocks whose names can be seen on the top right took a turn against nifty from March 7th. After falling along with the nifty all feb, , its seems that these stocks were bottomed out.
Everytime the nifty makes a small lower high, these stocks jumps in leaps n bounds.

Second set of 3 stocks didnt quite seem to feel the heat of the nifty at all,as they maintained the upward rally in the red Feb too

FIIs are said to be the net buyers in all of march. Are they buying low?

