indicator('⫷⫸ FBC Setup ⫷⫸ ', overlay=true)

// Calculate the conditions for the bullish candlestick setup
isBullishSetup = close > open and open < open and close < close and close > close and low < low and low < open

// Plot a shape and label when the bullish candlestick setup is detected
plotshape(isBullishSetup, color=color.new(#42e9ff, 0), title='Bullish', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, text='Bullish', textcolor=color.new(#000000, 0))

// Plotting a background color to highlight the pattern
bgcolor(isBullishSetup ? color.new(#4c9baf, 90) : na)

// Calculate the conditions for the descending candlestick setup
isDescendingSetup = open > close and open > open and close > close and close < close and high > high and high > open

// Plot a shape and label when the descending candlestick setup is detected
plotshape(isDescendingSetup, color=color.new(#ff3ea5, 0), title='bearish', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='bearish', textcolor=color.new(#000000, 0))

// Plotting a background color to highlight the pattern
bgcolor(isDescendingSetup ? color.new(#ff52cb, 90) : na)

