This Stock is in an UpTrend for past days . 50 EMA is still remains above 200 EMA by crosses up. Price level 890 have a comparatively high number of #openinterest #calloption , so this price range will act as a #Resistance , but I repeat that this resistance will be very weak. And 860 price level have comparatively high number of #openinterest in #putoption , so this price level will be taken as support and the overall trend of the stock is in uptrend that’s why am confident about this support level 860 range for #AURAPHARMA .
If the price level takes a support at 860 clearly then it is a good opertunity for a #SWINGTRADE . Enter the trade after the confermation. And Motilal Oswal gives a buy rating for the #AURAPHARMA . Target is subjective to the traders.