As discussed before open Bank Nifty hit a high of 35680 against our projection of 35933. Data from NSE was of march futures so some discrepancy occurred today , we plugged the issue by immediately selling 35665 level.
Trading rooms and algos were updated in real time and 35900 CE was sold along with 14600 PE bought , call went down 50% and puts went more than 2.5x in 1 hour flat. Algos exited so as all our traders. Algos clocked more than 16.8% ROI taking the week tally over 89%. ( information below )
Tradetron algos are in trial phase and will be released by end of week , trade logs are posted on public forums daily
Decision range
Support for the day
Resistance for the day
Trend day
Real time updates
Algo updates and trading room trades are shared everyday on public platforms
for info - see below