BioCardia, Inc.

BCDA Short Analysis

BCDA has an upcoming CardiAMP Heart Failure DSMB review on the 30th of this month (August). Although the treatment indicated no significant safety concerns, I have reasonable doubt that this won't go through to be accepted by the FDA; the Phase III to NDA/BLA is about a 58.1% chance, the NDA/BLA to Approval is a 85.3% chance, and then the Phase I to Approval is a 9.6% chance. BioCardia has 6 treatments that are under trials and the CardiAMP Ischemic Heart Failure treatment is the closest to approval. If this treatment doesn't get approved, everything will rip apart and the market for this will plunge. Chart-wise, there is a consistent downtrend on the 1-Day mark. If you are putting a short position on this, I highly recommend you to have buy-stop orders.

