Total Bitcoins

BTC Truevalue with sandwiched trading curves

I actually made this a while ago when I created Bitcoin Truevalue and haven't adjusted the current curve at all.

Basically, all the trading ranges can fit nicely into these curves and rarely escape out of them. I tried curving out the rest of the bull-run in years past but they didn't really fit the curves. I'm thinking it's a result of matured trading instead of just investing.

So I totally expect another touch of the top of the curve very soon, followed by a nice slow downtrend to continue the bear-run. Then we'll stop out at about $200 and then fly out of the bear resistance due to some good news I guess. Lower would be a nice bet but I wouldn't short after $200 and I guessing a lot of other smart traders wouldn't either. I'm betting the next moon won't be much at about $800 (not illustrated).

