
BCH USD - Wikileaks begins accepting Bitcoin Cash in its store

The official Wikileaks store now accepts Bitcoin Cash, according to an official announcement by the nongovernmental organization on Nov. 1. This is the latest criptomoeda to be accepted by the trade arm of Wikileaks, which intends to support the operations of the digital currency.

However, the organization does not accept Bitcoin Cash for donations, nor Ethereum, even the latter digital currency having market value of $ 30 billion, while Bitcoin Cash has about $ 10 billion.

In a tweet, the organization communicated to its five million followers the novelty, besides remembering the availability of use also of Bitcoin. The post should significantly increase people's awareness of Bitcoin Cash.

The price of Bitcoin Cash rose just after the announcement made by the organization, returning to worth more than $ 500 in the international market.

Bitcoin Cash's trading volume has grown considerably to close to $ 1 billion in the last 24 hours, up 12% today.

Bitcoin Cash has gained new adherents as some supporters promote the digital currency for day-to-day use, such as buying coffee. In order to adjust the digital currency to meet this demand, developers are expected to make a hard fork around November 13.

The next hard fork of Bitcoin Cash aims to enable the digital currency network to meet a demand of up to 2.4 million transactions per day, far more than the 30,000 transactions that Bitcoin supports. The fees will also cost pennies.
