
Bitshares BTS and Blackcoin BLK have the same Market Maker

BTS uber pump, Blackcoin about to follow.

DGB and SIA has correlation, FCT and MAID has correlation, several pairs of coins have same mm and 70% + correlation in medium TF

In last week+ BTS and BLK has been 90%+ correlation baby pip jesus its game over BLK is the mother of POS

They are now first pos coin to be integrated with bitcoin core - all pos coin use BLK core BLK is uber coin

Its moon time GG boys hold hard it will get dirty - for the rest itll be a game of sell low buy high get rekt m8 BLK to moon
Nice up over 40% from the recommendation howevr I think theres chance blk can consolidate for some time with 12k floor before mooon
blk and vrc will pop both are confident - few month wait - 3x+ opportunities

