Bitcoin Liquid Index

Bitcoins Moving Averages (Fibonacci Daily, Weekly, Monthly EMAs)

We know what to expect, but we might as well show the chart with Exponential Moving Averages. I begin to wonder if the deviations between close moving averages have any significance.

Using daily, weekly, and monthly closes, I have overlaid the EMAs using the Fibonacci Sequence to determine the number of periods to measure.

Starting with the 5th number of the Fibonacci Sequence:

5 black
8 orange
13 red
21 pink
34 purple
55 dark blue
89 light blue
144 light green
233 black
377 orange
610 red
987 pink
1597 purple
2584 dark blue
4181 light blue

We really don't need to consider multiple time frames, but should remain cognizant that using a shorter period to measure the sets will result in more precision given sequential numbers approach phi, the golden ratio.

