Bitcoin Liquid Index

Bitcoin's Moving Averages (Human Cycle)

The Human Cycle

In the previous post, we looked at standard or commonly used moving averages due to the simplicity of calculation given our base 10 number system. Now we consider if the cycles we experience as humans on earth provide us insight into the patterns seen on the charts.

Using daily closes, I have overlaid the SMAs and EMAs. The same colors represent the same set of periods while the brighter color is the EMA and the duller color is the SMA.

7 black (1 week)
30 orange (1 month)
91 red (1 quarter)
183 pink (half year)
274 purple (3 quarters)
365 dark blue (1 year)
548 light blue (1 and a half years)
730 light green (2 years)
1095 black (3 years)
1461 orange (4 years)
1826 red (5 years)
2191 pink (6 years)
2556 purple (7 years)
2922 dark blue (8 years)
3287 light blue (9 years)
3652 light green (10 years)
4914 black (all available data through 2023)

Next we will take a look at Moving Averages using the Fibonacci Sequence and conclusions will be saved for later.

