Bitcoin Liquid Index

BTC : longterm projection


I had already experimented with fitting some curves to long term data, they just seem to fit better than the usual straight lines, especially when considering older data :-

Bitcoin : another long term view

Bitcoin : Will we repeat option A, or B?

BTC - surely it's different this time?

However, I had never attempted an extrapolation, until I saw Flavius' idea on Mega cycles :-

BTC large megacycles on monthly timeframe

So, I have attempted to continue his idea, combine with my curved long term channel and see where we could possible be at the next peak. Essentially, this idea gives us a low of around 3k and a next high of 100k early 2022. Plenty of time to configure the Lambo.

FYI - the vertical blue lines are the halvings.
Patience. Patience. Not buying yet. This could take another month or even 6 months.. 12 months.

