Market Cap BTC Dominance, %

When would Altseason take place based on btc.d historic data

There are many parallels displayed in a few alts like Bittorrent and ASD which got ahead of themselves. Some coins are way ahead compared to many others which have barely moved or met an all time high, it makes no sense to state bullrun is over or even that altseason has already happened. If we review the correlation many alts had to that of Bitcoin from the lowest price hit between 2013 and 2017, it's quite plausible to suggest this is an extended bullrun that will last until interest rates go up sometime in the summer of 2022, until then the party continues as follows. Some alts like Band have copied a very similar price action to that of Ethereum in the early days, others like Algo have been more similar to the early days of xrp from December 2014 peak till now. Will Btc dominance repeat an October 2020 fractal? December 2019 fractal? or perhaps an October 2016 fractal, only time will tell.
Compare xrp October 2016 to Algo today, also compare Bittorrent October 2020 to Algo today, now compare Ethereum January 2017 to Band, now look at Bitcoin January 2020 to Bitcoin today (same Algo fractal too 4 hours to 2 hours ratio), while you are at it, compare Bittorrent today to August 2017 XRP on the daily. Also feel free to compare Etherem September 2017 to today's price action in Ethereum. Algorithms are running mad crazy bro. Each alt at a different time in the cycle, however January 19th 2020 looks very plausible and playing out like clockwork on the 4 hourly. See for yourself if you have the time for it and 8 screens hehe, cheers
Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Poverty is going bye bye!

