
Blue Skies - BTC Long Term Projections w/ Short Term Forecasts

I call this Blue Skies.

Long term projection from the 'ground' (Brown) with 'Blue Sky' projection (Blue) to the Moon. With mid support/resistance levels (Green or Gray or Red).

Horizontal Support/Resistance lines are shades of Green, Gray, or Red. Blue is of course, Blue Skies.
Angled dotted or dashed lines are projections.
... Dotted is keyed on short term history levels
- - - Dashed is keyed on long term history levels

I'm still tweaking all of this so I hope I can edit this later to be more descriptive of whats going on. First time publication from a beginner here. I'm just using logic and I've never done anything like this before except for the last couple months. Please 'bear' with me. :)

