
How to survive in the market for the long-term?


In the market, regret is a frequent word. Many people face the complex investment market and often feel fear, hesitation, and regret, whether it's before buying, after buying, after selling, or just watching without buying. How to avoid this phenomenon? The fear, hesitation, and regret are largely due to not knowing how to manage positions and follow the crowd. Often pursuing high probability profits results in the opposite.

Risk management is an unavoidable issue when it comes to this. Whether you are a financial master or an individual investor, the importance of risk management is paramount. To relax and operate in the market, you need to face your current situation, make correct judgments on the profit and loss ratio, determine your operating frequency and position management, and give yourself correct psychological guidance.

Everyone's personality is different, and their risk tolerance and trading styles are also different. There is no strategy that is 100% accurate, but if you want to survive in the market for a long time, you need to control risk. Don't be afraid of losses. Losses are inevitable, but the key is how much loss you can tolerate. This is the core of risk management. For small losses, we need to prepare ourselves psychologically. This is a link in risk management. Don't rely on luck. The losses brought about by a lucky mentality are incalculable.

About 70% of the time in market fluctuations is in oscillation, and only about 30% of the time is in a unilateral surge or decline. Therefore, accumulating small victories is the magic weapon for long-term success. Always wanting to go all-in and make a big move at once may result in missed profits due to not exiting in time. No matter what state you are in now, I hope I can bring you a little bit of help!
