
Some scenarios repeat over and over again!

Interestingly, btc 0.04% still in wave2. Even it's a risky trade, btc 0.04% still manages to rise to 69~70xx.
Buy at your own risk.
But what will happen after 69~70xx?
Lets get into the volume again, its almost at the same number before the previous bull trap showing up.
Im not saying that btc 0.04% will drop immediately. The only thing I can say is that its coming soon....
Cuz 0.71% I've heard of some news favor the bulls just like Soros planning to purchase btc 0.04% or Rockefeller's crypto program.
Well.. I don't buy them. I don't even need any news to take my prediction. TA is the king. It shows everything on the chart.
I set a hypothesis that btc 0.04% has already formed a double bottom around 6,000. It could be a possible Best Buy 2.72% range(59xx-61xx) after the whales showing their traps.
yeah! Finally a new breakout.
What about the next step?
U know what to do!
Strong AT Field!! lol
Hey Bulls. Its time to pullback.
Subwave update
Sincerely sorry for my prediction failed.
I found its the most unexpected scenario I've ever seen.
(Well I entered this blockchain trading not for more than three months.)
But I won't give up. Keep updating my chart is my first priority.
Sweet. now I'm waiting for btc to retrace for further confirmation .

