
Update: Week In Review/Forecast | # BTCUSD #BTC #Bitcoin


Looking back over this past week, and in fact looking back since the inception of the chart on January 17th when we emitted our forecast, the chart has offered little surprise or injury to our predictive analysis and forecasting.

The structurally most important targets in terms of overhead resistance are 1117.13 and 1190.44, both remaining in sight and in force.

Original predictive analysis and forecasting are unchanged; directional bias remains bullish.


David Alcindor | 4xQuad.com
Predictive Analysis & Forecasting

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Want to explore our recent successful forecasts?
- Archived here: bit.ly/16JMnH8
- A few examples there:
1 - #USDollar: on.fb.me/19Pf77y
2 - #AUDUSD: on.fb.me/1kDHbdB
3 - #NGAS: on.fb.me/1aSMYHV


Disclaimer from Bob Lobb Law:
All of our analyses are for educational purpose only. The forecasts, analyses and opinions generated herein are not trading recommendations. Want to trade? Then, do your own due diligence first, seek professional advice from a licensed professional and enter the market at your own perils - 4xQuad, LLC.

