
BTC big picture and why $7413 is absolutely CRITICAL

All markets have been falling precipitously.
Bitcoin is nearing a major "line in the sand".
Plotted is the parabolic bull run of 2019.

This is an example of a "Golden Fib".
Gold lines are 1.618 x previous Gold.
Blue lines are 1.236/.382 x last Gold.

This fib helped me plot/trade all of 2019 till now.
The true beauty is in the Simplicity of the chart.
Each line is a decision point for any trade position.

My previous charts catching every key turn and giving early warnings (click the links below):
7.7k Retrace
10.5k Top call
9.7k Bounce <= mapped within $10
10k Targetted
8.2k to 10k wave 5
9k barrier Foretold <= Warning in Time
8475 Top Call <= Mapped within $5
Big Picture Fibs <= the 3 Fibs of Life
14k target call <= Perfect Top map
10k target call
3.1k bottom call <= EXACT 2018 bottom

Of course, I have had total FAILS on some ideas too, not going to pretend.
But all of my plots show PRECISE entries, TIGHT stops, and EXACT targets.
Precision is the way of the Fib. Almost every turn happens at a Fib Line.


