
BTC ROCKETS toward end of month b4 dumping into 2019

logic: nothing sensible.
bitcoin futures (before was okcoin, now its bitmex ) actually control the price of spot market btc
so if the manipulator [let's assume they are called MEGAWHHALE}, was going to dump BTC very low on spot market, MEGAWHHALE would of set massive shorts prior so to hit MEGAWHHALEs position(s), while at the same time, driving BTC low to accumulate and SET LONGS on the future market to PUMP spot market to hit long position. MEGAWHHALE controls spot markets that comprise BITMEX future index [Bitstamp, Coinbase Pro, and Kraken].

soo, when all are fearful and selling, MEGAWHHALE is buying BTC/LTC/ETH and longing and preparing ASICS to mine 2019 the mass sit at a loss, only to see had they didnt sell theyd of maybe broke even or made profit, bringing them back into the market cause new money is dumb dead money, buying into another the top and holding a bag while MEGAWHHALE dumping & correlating with CORP interest/legislation

"…because it's the last ride ever gonna
That I'm ever gonna take at Astroworld world world world world world world..."

Travis Scott - Watch ft. Lil Uzi Vert, Kanye West

