
Bitcoin History: Year 0, Day 10 a.E. (after Elon)

Bitcoin genesis block was mined on January, 3, 2009. This asset is absolutely unique, with its embedded inflation control, blocks are harder to calculate and produce less reward-per-work over time. Bitcoin defines and describes how ridiculous the current financial system is, and provides a rock solid solution to the need of trust, substituing the guarantors/intermediaries with unbreakable applied maths: cryptography. We have seen an unrepeatable rise of this unique gem that most of the World ignored for so long, until something different happened, that probably changed the game forever. Bitcoin was already on mainstream, many people really understood its potential, and many of them in the early 2010s. In the last years we already had institutional investors onboard. But what the World needed was a catalyst. A man able to dream, and let others dream, and not only rich people, but everybody. A man able to build some of the biggest companies of the digital era, a man able to run his own space program, and not for the money, but in the hope to establish a human colony on Mars, in order to reduce the risk of human extinction. That's what Elon Musk is. It was Year 12, Day 35 b.E., bitcoin date. The postman knocked at the door at 100 F. Street NE, in Washington, DC. It delivered a letter that expanded the investments field of any fund, institution, bank, private company, immediately and forever. The letter from Tesla HQ reported that the company has bought 1.5 Billion Dollars in Bitcoin in the past month. The day after the guys at the SEC HQ had to make it public, and then it was Year 0, Day 1 after Elon. Elon, the private individual controlling the most advanced technology in the World, able to explore the Space for patronage, doing what governments should do to grant humanity future life, but they've given up, and he continues. This man, Elon Musk, has moved over 7% of Tesla's cash ownings in BTC.

FA-wise this is the most bullish news possible for bitcoin. It is as if Martin Luther King, or John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or Steve Jobs have bought in. Dreamers, dream catalysts, specimen, leaders. People who's exceptionality was recognized by humanity as a whole.
After Elon, we have had 7 ATHs in 10 days. Day 1, Day 2, Day 4, Day 5, Day 7, Day 9, Day 10 a.E. all bringed a new ATH for bitcoin. $52640 on Bitstamp, as I write. In 5 of this 7 ATH days, we've also had the record high daily closure of its YOUNG history. Hodl people. Forget about prices. Think about your target in terms of time. How about 1BTC price in ten years from now?

100% opinion based, my FA is NOT FINANCIAL ADVISE!
