
New Bitcoin factor indicator accuracy is 92%

How much the Bitcoin fundamentals can explain the price of the Bitcoin ? My latest research shows that the new Bitcoin factor can explain 92% of the the logarithm of Bitcoin price.
The Bitcoin factor indicator is calculated by Bitcoin fundamental factor, it can reflect how much of the Bitcoin price is supported by the fundamentals.
The green line is the Bitcoin factor in the chart, the trend of it are in conformity with the price, the orange line is the correlation coefficient between the Bitcoin price and the Bitcoin factor in the 10 years, its value in November 5, 2021 is 0.95, shows that the Bitcoin prices are mostly by the Bitcoin factor influence.
Yellow line is Bitcoin forecast price, the Bitcoin factor, and the linear regression method are used to calculate. You can see, the prices fluctuating around the predicted price, it is in line with the principle of price fluctuates around value.
The purple line is determination coefficients (R2) of 10 years logarithmic Bitcoin predicted price, which represents the prediction accuracy, the value of 92% on November 5, 2021.
The blue line is factor indicator, which swings between -1 to 2, red background when early warning index greater than 1, the price in the peak, said green background when factor indicator is less than -0.6, the price in the trough.
On November 5, 2021, the factor indicator of 0.82, is near of 1, shows that the Bitcoin price is near of the peak, please pay attention to risk.

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