
Very Interesting Chart Pattern (Bearish Short term)

Veeerrry interesting pattern forming here, just like we saw before the steep drop, then jump during the "Xi news..." (I have my doubts as to whether or not that was "actually" what truly moved the market, but I digress...) Point is, we are looking almost identical to that spot.

Then again, Lord knows how BTC LOVES to pull what the Bitcoin OG Davinci likes to call "FU Moves..."

Will this trade win? Tune in later tonight and see.

Tl;dr: About to fall to $6300 beofre Rocketing back up to 8K over next couple days if this plays out. And I will have made at least tree fiddy, thank you verry much.

Or, as the present pattern is in someways a Flipped over version of its predescessor, I was first considering that the opposite happen here, too; namely, We will JUMP quickly to around 8K, THEN DUMP down to 6.3K.

BUT, my reasons against this is: gravity. That pink bar is an Obvious Resistence line for both patterns, and I trust that more... But we shall see. (my luck it will do this lol)
Welp, apparently this was not my trade.... Dumped a teeny bit, then reversed as I'd feared it might. Something important I' lerned here is the importance of FLEXIBILITY in trading and NOT blindly adhering to my idea just bc it's easier....

Better to have a few Different scenarios prepared, and then act them out according to the Market - not the Other way Around!!!! :)

