
Bitcoin vs Gold - This chart will blow-up your Mind!


I hear sometimes people compare BTC to Gold!
They are not the same, not close, not near!

Gold: 18,628 days (Return of Invest.: 58x)
BTC: 3,458 days (Return of Invest.: 16240x)
*To what current data we have.

But one thing they have in common! They are indeed a store of Wealth.

Many confuse Bitcoin by thinking it is a way of daily payment!
You won't hand gold for a grocery daily shopping, will you?

For this reason, many technologies came in existence to provide you with an instant payment service/and other services. These are called Altcoins. Now all have different usage but the idea is that without Bitcoin they would not have existed right? as well as Fiat, without Gold fiat might have not existed in the beginning. It was an evolvement from gold to transferring it into Fiat if you hold gold in the bank! Now, this is where we currently are with Bitcoin and Altcoins. Some altcoins have valuable usage. For example, LTC being an instant payment confirmation for a merchant. Then you have Ripple net. Not XRP! I am talking about the Ripple network product they have, again not XRP. I don't encourage anyone to buy XRP because it holds mostly by Ripple team. Regardless, Ripple network an awesome product. I saw it myself being used in a local bank, it so quick! 1second confirmation vs SWIFT 1day-2day.

What I am trying to say here is simple:
Bitcoin is meant to be a store of wealth, as Gold. But they're different in their price movement cycle, however, they might look the same in-flow but the return/speed is way different.

Reminder to those questioning BTC price:
A full view of where BTC is heading and correction date - price

