
BTC(bitcoin) Top and temp bottom on way to 300K, similar to Oil

Hi, just for fun compared Oil 50 Days with Bitcoin 100Days bars and they seem so similar over past decades, Bitcoin acceleration growth seems unstoppable and if this is the case a temporary bottom should be seen around 32K ( that`s 50% correction from current all time high) and coincides with rest of Oil as seen , so if 32K levels hold we may see a very powerful rise this year above 300K . Yeah I know it sounds ridiculous, been a bear most of the time and all these rises dosen`t make any sense but learned that is nothing is impossible in crypto and beside that not taking price into consideration from all time high 64K to 300K only 360% percent is needed witch is noting compared with last run of 2000% from 3.5K to 64K...
So I`m not saying that 100% is going to happen, but worth taking into consideration as is my last idea where I made a combo formula of few known coins trend can be more clear on combined assets and It can be seen that we are either at the top of Crypto rise and a serious correction is next or we are at half way and indeed this confirms my theory about BTC at 300k, check the link bellow for that.
30K hit and bounced strong, if this holds and goes above 60k then 100% sure that we are on route to 300k! this year!
But if we go bellow 20K the 100% sure that we are going back at 3K even faster :)

