This is not a trading plan but a likely scenario for another giant Bubble for Bitcoin.
BTC is growing bubble after bubble (4th in its history since 2008).
Take off has ended at $20.000 when CME Future Contracts opened.
Investors has shorted heavily via these contracts. Institutionnals are coming slowly into this market where in the same time where governments are trying to find solution for regulation on cryptos (it's needed imho)
The market cap is still ridiculous in comparaison with other assets.
Many people make the comparaison with the Dot Com Bubble in 2001. That's true, i think BTC could lead the same road but maybe at higher level.
The total market cap in Dot Com market, when the bubble burst, was 9.6 Trillions !
At $20.000, the total market cap in Crypto was "only" 800 Billions, almost 10x less than dot com market capitalization in 2001.