Bitcoin / TetherUS


Hello my friends,
Given the long-term target in the range of 3k, in the short term, two scenarios are likely:

First, if the direct price rises from the current number to the range 6600-6700, we will see head and shoulder complete and downside after the downside reversal. But the downside reversal must be confirmed, otherwise the price will continue to grow based on the butterfly pattern.
Second, the price will drop slightly from the current number, and after stabilizing at the 6000, continue to grow up to 7.7-7.8 area based on the butterfly pattern..... good luck...................................

salam doostane azizzam,taiene hadafe gheymat sakht nist,ama kami fani hast va dar filmi ke ta saate ayande erae midam kamel tozih khaham dad, ama 2 senario darim :

1)gheymat az adade kononi,ta mahdoodeie 6600-6700 mostaghiman roshd konad:
--- pas az taiede nazoloi,shahede takmile head and shoulders boode va gheymat ta 5400 rizesh khahad kard
--- agar taiede nozoli soorat nagirad,motabeghe parvane be roshd khod edame khahad dad ke hadaf ghatan mahdoodeie 7-5 ta 7-8 mibashad.( taiede nozoli bayad gheymat az 6700 rizesh konad)

2) gheymt az mahdoodeie kononi(6250-6300) balatar naravad va eslahe besiar jozi teye 24 saate ayande ta balaie adade 6000( 6000-6050) dashte bashad, olgoie head and shoulder na motabar mibashad,pas pish bini mikonam be arami ta 6700 be roshd khod edame dahad va dar soorate tasbite balaie in adad,motabeghe hadafe noghteie D parvane teye roozhaie bad ta targete 7-5 7-8 be roshd khod edame khahad dad( tavajoh konid agar az 6700 makoose soodi nashavad va rizesh nakonad!)

dar har soorat dide boland modate hadafe ma dar mahdoodeie 3200 hamchenan bargharar ast va in sood agar moyasar shavad jahate eslahe va porkardane shadow balaie candele mahianeie gheymat hast ke ta saati bad baste khahad shod, movafagh bashid
we have a good profit with my call ...!if price fix above 6437 (daily support) in daily T-F,It will continue to grow to 6700 area...


salame mojadad,gheymat ta mahdoodeie 6600 elami dar tahlil roshd dashte ast va az an mahdoode reject shod,dar shekle zaheri shaneie samte raste olgo takmil shode ast,ama momken ast 1 taleie khersi va ya 1eslahe rsi bashad,pas madamike balaie adade 6437 close candele roozane(daily) baste shavad,pish bni mikonam hanoz edameie roshd ta 6700 va ... moyasar mibashad,dar soorate baste shodan zire in hemayat,rizesh edame khahad dasht,movafagh bashid...
be carefull... 4htf ma support!!

moraghebe trade va position haie short bashid,gheymat tavasote ma dar tf 4h hemayat shode va momken ast mojadad soodi beshe,momken ast..!
Price above ma200 in 4ht-f .... if monthly candle close above 6400 area, have a little pullback to 6700 or higher.. wait for close monthly candle and then doing trade.

salam doostane azizam,tosie akid be inke dar in mahdoode mogheyate short nadashte bashid madamike ke colse candle mahianeie emshab baste nashavad :
1) agar close candele mahiane balaie 6400-6450 baste shavad,ehtemale roshd ziad hast.
2)fund marboot be hamleie nezami usa be aragh ta rozhaie ati ke momkene mojebe afzayeshe gheymat beshe
3)gheymat tavasato ma200 dar time frame 4h hemayat shode ast,madamike hemayat dashte bashad ehtemale partab ta ma50 vojod darad.
4)reject az 6600 dashtim,ama trendline tasmimgiri be aghideie bande hanooz orede hadaf gharar nagerefte.
5) moamele nakardan az anjam moameleie ba zarar por sood tar ast.

agar close candele mahiane zire 6300 baste shod va hemayate ma200 dar 4h t-f shekaste shod,short belamane ast,ama targete short 5900 felan.zemnan pasokhe commentharo man nemitoonam bedam vA bastast baraie man.
movafagh bashid...
have good time my dear friend ....I was warned not to have short positions in last comment.
tebghe commente akhar candele mahiane balaie 6300 baste shod va dar commente akhar tosieie akid dashtam mogheyate short nadashte bashid,omdivaram motabeghe tahlil va comment amal karde bashid va alan por sood bashid,movafagh bashid...
salame mojadad,man motasefane amighan sarma khordam va kesalat daram,ba in tafasir dirooz va emrooz update ha ro anjam dadam,MA namborde dar nemoodare 1h ro dashtam analys mikardam ke vaghty man dashtam type mikardam kolan jabeja neveshtam va 4h ro montasher kardam, va am dar edame :
hadafe aval 6800-6950 hast,ta residan be in hadaf pish bini mikonam dar 2step edgham va eslahe kamelan jozi dashte bashim,pas az barkhord be hadaf,tebghe comment hadafe nahaye ro elam mikonam,enshalla agar kami behboodi dashte basham ta saat ya roozhaie ayande,movafagh bashid..

