BTS - Let the Winds of Change take you to Andromeda
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BTS is about to launch along its cousins XRP and STR. Destination: Andromeda.
I expect announcements about this coin in the following weeks. I hope this becomes a good alternative to the current exchanges and their problems with DDOS attacks.
Disclaimer: As usual, this is not a perfect prediction. Don't put all of your money into it. If you don't know how much to put, you can learn how to hedge properly by using common sense and a search engine. I will be posting some updates as I have been doing in my previous posts, but if you want live updates, check out my signature and join my Telegram Group.
TP1 accomplished and now we're heading down for a correction. Get into STR now.
I sold close to the top and never bought back in. Bought into STR and lost what I earned here. I will buy back in once we touch the bottom. It could go as low as 1300. I'm keeping an eye on it.
Trend reversal pattern spotted: Adam and Eve. If it works, I'm buying back in.