Blackstone Inc.

Short on Private Equity - BX

A lot of people are thinking that this bear market is already in it's later innings. If anything, it's probably the opposite given that inflation has not yet broken, employment may only be starting to see it's cyclical decline, etc.

Private equity has been heavily levered during this cycle, and in general has dumped gobs of $ into shit investments (see the amount of private equity $ flowing into crypto junk over the past 2 years for example) that will eventually need to be marked down. Private equity has long been very pro-cyclical, and as the bear shifts into a proper more traditional recession, the publicly traded PE giants should all fall in tandem. Some will get hurt worse than others - picking BX here simply since it's the largest. Other targets include firms like KKR, CG APO, OWL, or you can even just short the etf PSP.

AS of today (11/14/2022), a lot of these have retested top ends of bearish ranges and are getting smacked back down. With a big opex and things relatively pinned, I think there is still good opportunity through November to get good positions short of these, but I still think there will be chop for at least a little bit.

See related charts here:

Short on KKR + Private Equity

Private Equity Short - $PSP

