chinhin 4 nov

chin hin adalah dalam sector construction. iaitu bukan tema buat masa sekarang. tapi chart arini bo. volume masuk diakhir dagangan.
ade terlibat la jugak gen ecrl
G-Cast Concrete Sdn Bhd is actively quoting for East Coast Rail Link (“ECRL”) Project and other
infrastructure projects in the overseas market. G-Cast already secured some projects from the Philippines
for the supply of jacking pipes since last year end and is continued to export to them this year. We expect GCast’s order book to increase steadily.

company ade promote slvest ke ai..
The government has recently rolled out the Renewable Energy Investment (LSSMentari) programme
which offer 1,000MWp of solar quota via competitive bidding process under the Large Scale Solar (“LSS”)
will further enhances the prospects of the domestic solar industry. This was the biggest quota offered under
the LSS programme and double the quota offered for the previous LSS3 aims to generate investments
amounting to RM4 billion as a move by the government to revive and stimulate the economy following the
Covid-19 outbreak. The LSSMentari programme is only offered to fully owned local companies or those
companies listed on Bursa Malaysia which has at least 75 percent local shareholding. Undisputedly, this
programme will be the growth driver for Solarvest’s LSSPV segments.

