
WTI Oil Alt.(C) wave is going on ? (Nikita FX)

Russian President Putin said World Economy will be collapsed if Oil Price will be below $ 80.
(Cf.: youtu.be/CCJvi-zLEhQ )

However I would say that it will be declining down to TP 1 ( 71.51 ) at least. Because its
Diagonal B-abcde was broken.....
TP 2 (approx. 61.10) will be also possible and the worst case is Red Alt. (C ).

On the other hand, Total wave (B ) is consolidating within the Green Zone ( the bottom will be
as same as TP 1 as of First week of Jan. 2015), therefore it might be able to turn up dramatically
to the Blue Alt. (C ).....What do you think ?

Nikita FX (climbingfx.jugem.jp/ )

