
Predictive Analysis/Forecast | #Copper

SIGNAL RATIONALE: Market converted to bearish strength

DIRECTIONAL BIAS: Neutral to Bearish

PENDING EVENT: Bearish market reversal confirmation will convert "Neutral" to "Short"

TARGET: TG-1 = 2.999

PATTERN(S): Shark > 5-0 > Great White

Chart describes one price action among an infinite possibilities. 4xQuad draws the pathway to highlight potential areas of support and resistance.

David Alcindor | 4xQuad.com
Predictive Analysis & Forecasting


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Disclaimer: All of our analyses are for educational purpose only. The forecasts, analyses and opinions generated herein are not trading recommendations. Do your own due diligence first, then seek professional advice from a licensed professional before enter the market at your own perils - 4xQuad, LLC.

