Corn Future


Hi guys this is john the forex guy. After a few months of refining and twerking my plan approach I'm back guys. I believe corn futures will soon sell this is based on the the fact that we are at a psychological supply area but what come to light through my team member is that corn is really over supplied in the world looking deeper these following few months will be crucial at determining how this unfolds.

Take note guys I am a long term trader bare in mind these trade will run on average for weeks to months so always be mentally ready to hold a trade for 3 months or even more. These are the the type of trade I call home-runs, why?

(A) Reduce your exposure to the markets by trading fewer trades a year, a person who opens a trade every day is highly likely to crash and burn compared to those who trade less, let's say 1 to 30 trades a year are more likey to keep their winnings in the long run.
(B) Low risk on each trade usually between 1% and 5% of your account (excluding commission just trade value)
(C) High reward on each trade a minimum of 10% profit and uncapped potential reward could be 20% or 113% profit of your account it is unlimited! (excluding commission)
(D) All these factors from A to C add up to this; In order to lose all your capital you need to lose 15 to 20 trades in a raw but looking at the way we approach the markets and take our trades it is highly unlikely to lose all your capital because it is almost impossible to take 15 trades a year if you're holding 1 trade for almost 2-3 months.

I will give you an IDEA/EXAMPLE how I am taking this trade lets base this on a $100 account:

(A) Open 1x position SELL
(B) Stop loss -$5.50 (5.5% loss of $100)
(C) Take profit +$25.00(25% profit of $100)

Disclaimer I not a financial advisor I am simply a retail trader sharing my trade where I entered, plan to exit loss and profit so always do your own research before committing/investing your money.

