
Undervalued Small Banking Stock - Good For Investment

CSB Bank previously known as Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.

Analysis -
Has major income from retail group and well diversified business in terms of Income.
NIM (Net Interest Margin) which is one of the major incomes of Bank is more than 5% not even major banks have this much, very few banks are able to keep it above 5%.
If you see last 5-year profit growth is almost 50% highest among many banks.
Whereas stock PE is less than Industry PE

Technically -
Stock is crossing out of August 2021Levels.
CMP is 354. So, one can add from CMP to level of 330 as Weekly RSI is overbought. It might cooldown. above 358 more strong

Targets -
375 is small hurdle if crossed than above that we may see Targets of 450/555 & we can keep SL of 300.

