
CVC/BTC What Happens When An ICO Was Just A Scam.

At this point I'm almost inclined to say that this coin was purely created to scam people out of their bitcoin, to help Vinny earn back all the money he lost shorting bitcoin at $2,500ish. The development team, or so he wants people to believe exists, hasn't done anything development wise, there's no news on it, nothing.
If the dev. team, or lack thereof, did anything then it would reflect in the price as 95% of other alt charts do..

If the dev. team did anything with the coin I believe it could easily reach .00075BTC, but Vinny doesn't understand the term "fiduciary duty".

I feel really sorry for all those that bought this token, especially the I C O bag holders, I hope that one day price will go up, or that Vinny gets prosecuted for scamming people.

