
What is Dash? All about of this cryptocurrency!!!

Dash is a digital currency that enables anymore, anywhere in the world to make quick, easy and cheap payments at any time without going through a central autorithy. You can to move Dash in a second or less than a cent. It's a digital money that's bettern than cash, becuase all transactionsi is near to 0 that more cheap than Bitcoin or LItecoin when you send Dash for other people, the transactions is so near to 0.

Use cases:
  • You can pay your friends and family
  • Pay airfare, utility bills and subscriptions
  • Groceries and Dinind out
  • Shop Online
  • Find Hotel's and lodging that accept Dash as payment method
  • Pay for business services
  • Dash was launched on 2014 with the same protocol of what Bitcoin use. Dash use the protocols proof of mining and proof of stake that guarantize that the networkd is mroe securely and mroe protected by users, stakers and miners.

My Personal Opinion:

This proyect is interesting. We could use Dash as money to pay our services, pay bills, pay friend or simply send money to people. It's interesting to know it. Well, the most that I like about of this cryptocurrency is the supply monetary limited, that mean that there wil be 18.9 million o Dash in circulation and that mean tthat supply monetary is so limited that make that Dash adoption grow up throughout of the time. I option to invest in this crypto for the bull rally 2021.

For more resources if you want to learn about Dash or simply read, please visit these links:

1. Dash's website: www.dash.org/
2. Dash's Twitter: twitter.com/Dashpay

