You have to think about trading like any other buy and sell activity. Because it is what you are doing ... buy and sell. When you buy a new car, do you go blindly or do you do your own research ?
Same goes for the financial market. here are some of the things you need to know : 1. What product are you trading ? Cash ? CFD ? Futures ? 2. What is the product you are trading ? ----> in relation with this point, when you are trading indexes, you NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS BEHIND.
RULE OF THUMB FOR INDEXES : what are the 5 largest companies.
In case of the Dax : 1. SAP 2. LINDE 3. VW 4. Siemens 5. Allianz
What's next for Dax ?
I want to see if we can get a cheaper price or if we get a break out.