DFS due for a pullback?

My Dad asked me to look at, and analyze the charts for DFS today so, here's my take on DiscoverFS: Looking at the bigger picture, DFS has been on a great run with healthy pullbacks to keep it climbing. But as we all know it can't go up forever. So when does DFS pullback? Well, DFS has hit the 49.0 marker twice, but hasn't stayed long above which shows some solid resistance at that point. This most recent climb has followed the Hagopian Line, and as you can see DFS is abou to tough the line again. I believe if DFS breaks the Line we could see a -3.0 pullback to the 45.14 - 45.35 mark. Seeing as DFS has touched 49 two times without breaking long above it looks like DFS is going to pull back before making new highs. If I were holding a position I'd probably sell half my shares, put a limit just under the trend line and buy back in when it stays long above 49. DFS offers great plays and is a healthy stock. I don't think we see a fall here unless the double top is true; then we could see 41 again while DFS builds a bottom. I'm saying to wait until near-end trading day Wed. Thur. Fri. to see if DFS has a major breach or Bearish indicators, before exiting the position.

