Walt Disney Company (The)

Short DIS 19/11/2020 fundamental trade

I believe Disney has being wrongly following the broad recovery of the Dow Jones index. My thesis is that parks will remain closed for a while and this loses are going to be important. Diseny+ is not yet fully deployed, with high price of 60usd monthly subcription.
Sell short or buy put contracts strike 140 or 135, with expiration Decemeber 18, 2020.
140 strike 18 decemeber PUT is up a little. I guess we have a big time constraint here so the time value of the conctract will decrease fast,hope we see continious and heay selling.
Sold my PUTS at 4usd, which I bought at 3.90 for just 60usd gain.
The reason i cancelled the trade was that California allowed them to open parks,and are already selling tickets for the theme parks for january 1º next year.

