BINANCE:DOGEUSD.P   DOGE Perpetual Futures Contract
Been in an accumulation phase for a while. Not much of an analysis; posting more so because of the aesthetic. Its around that time where you can spot buy most coins, go to bed and and eventually wake up richer.

Basically hot potato right now finding which coins will pop next. I've just either been shorting things that pump extensively, or go long on coins that have been in an accumulation phase for some time. Been working out so far. Good luck, timing will be the hardest part of trading these next few days/weeks; that is unless we dont break the current resistance on BTC right away.

Bullish bias, however theres always the opposite side of the trade that is possible.

These analyses are my personal view on the market.
Always assume my investment risk tolerance is higher than yours
I’m here to make money, not hold your hand. Never blindly trust any analysis you see online because it fits your bias (including mine).
