
Dogecoin: The Dogefather Chart

A dollar is coming sooner than we may expect. With Elon on the edge of an anticipated announcement with work he's been doing with the Dogecoin Devs since 2019 and Coinbase listing Doge within 6-7 weeks we could see this price level hit very soon.

I could also see Bitcoin take off as well heading to investors anticipated area of $100,000 during Dogecoin's rise (they correlate the majority of the time).

As always, even though crypto looks promising, don't put money into the markets that you're not comfortable with losing.
I am not a financial advisor so trade at your own risk.
And good luck (:
Chart PatternsDOGdogedogearmyDOGEBTCdogecoindogecoinusddogeforecastdogeusdelonmuskTrend Analysis
