DXY// Rising Channel

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TVC:DXY   美元指數
Current price at bottom of channel and at 61% zone.
Lower time frame tests outside of longer term downtrend line, fighting the natural s/r.

Up coming positive news for the US likely to be the catalyst to push prices up near the middle of the channel, as they were the catalyst for the extreme drop to the bottom.

Current price still sitting above DAILY 20EMA, indicating a strong trend, sitll. Bullish Bias.
Not the expected outcome however, was prepared for the latter. Short term positions made on this expected move either closed above BE or left open underwater. Pull back expected soon after this impulse.

These analyses are my personal view on the market.
Always assume my investment risk tolerance is higher than yours
I’m here to make money, not hold your hand. Never blindly trust any analysis you see online because it fits your bias (including mine).
