
DXY Jan30 Back testing Analysis

Jan30 Back testing Analysis

Asia Price is in a Premium. At 1 macro drops to the 50 level taking out sell side liquidity.

London Price still running to the bottom of a FVG reacts and swings up to the MOG and CE of the higher FVG seeking a key level of buys side.
Price gravitates around the buy side building orders I suspect for the ND at 8:30.

NY delivering to a Premium. Price dropped to the MOG and the 50 level and rallies higher. Note Price just touches the event horizon.
At 10 macro-AKA silver bullet, Price smashes down seeking the previous days FVG to rebalance. Note the bodies of the candle respect the FVG.
12 macro Price aggressively retraces rebalancing efficiently delivered Price. Price seeks another equal high by 4pm.

Note the reactions on the 50 levels touches and goes higher. Price did come down to a discount however immediate reaction. Tipping its hand that the DXY parent bias is bullish?

